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Regarding the recent downtime

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 4:04 pm
by ferghus
Hey guys,

As you may have noticed, the forum has been having some major issues for the past week, forcing me to temporarily take it offline as I talked to the hosting company's staff to figure out what's been going on and how to get it resolved.

It turns out that management at our hosting company has changed a few days ago. Essentially, when the new guys came in, they discovered a huge mess in terms of the way the servers were set up by the previous guys, so they've been undertaking a massive cleanup effort. Part of it was to move us to a new server, which was supposed to happen a week ago. But when that move went bad, they had to roll back our account--that is when all our issues started coming up. I kept trying to restore our forums, but they kept wrestling with their server, resulting in a lot of headaches for me and random downtime and rollbacks on the forum. >_>

The good news is that they've completed the work of moving us to their new server. This, hopefully, should mean that we don't get more weird screw-ups. The new server also appears to be faster, having more processing power and RAM.