[Guide] How/Why you should rank Winemaking Now, before G17

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[Guide] How/Why you should rank Winemaking Now, before G17

Post by Kapra »

As many of you know, the recent update in NA added Wine Making as a skill. And the skill is actually really easy to rank, that is, until G17 and possibly a sooner maintenance if DevCAT decides to do so.

Why would I want to rank Wine Making?
The skill adds 9 intelligence, 5 will, and 3 stamina.
Is that it?. . .
Well, in G17 it will contribute to your Cooking Talent.
No, I mean, how does it effect the Wine Making process or minigame?
It does not effect it in any known way. . .
. . .What is the master title like?
Wine Making actually gives you four titles separate from your Master Title. One at rE, rA, r6, and r3. Each of these titles adds to your intelligence and protection stat but also decrease your dexterity and defense stat at different rates per title. (Protection>Defense) These titles do not replace each other nor are any of them replaced by the master title.


You changed the subject! What is the master title's stats?
It adds 20 intelligence and 5 protection, perfect for mages.


So how much AP does this useless skill cost?. . .
Only 37 to get from Novice to r1.
Let me guess, Wine Making is like the easiest skill ever to rank like production mastery but has a hard to obtain master title?
No, rank novice and r1 is actually the easiest ranks, and let me explain why.


At this point you should have noticed that path A and B are identical in every way except for rE and rA. The reason path B exists is because it would cost 46k more to spam nasty wine than wait a few days. And although most of us can afford that, some people can't or don't want to waste that much money on an alt.

Wait, you said "spam" wine?
Yes, you at no rank need to do the minigame, and for the ranks you do not age wine you can simply request wine then click the "Finish Aging" button immediately after in order to receive training.

And you brought up a point about money-
Don't even finish that sentence.


You can, however, only pay the cost of the books provided you go to Blago Prairie (south of Tara, east of Emain Macha) and pick all those grapes in the amount parameter yourself. This will take up a lot of inventory room, though. And no matter which path you use or if you buy your grapes, you will still likely throw out a lot of nasty wine since they aren't aged (meaning no experience), clog up your inventory room, and don't sell for any money to NPCs. (And don't even think of scamming another player to buy them, they're untradable.)

Wait, I thought picking Grapes was the only way to obtain them. You can buy them now?
That was also added in this recent update, now all grapes can be bought from the Trade Post Imps for gold (not ducats). One stack of 20 grapes (the amount needed for exactly one wine) costs 1,000 gold. And you may also toggle the wine interface for both Eluned and Lezarro from the Imps.

Before I (well, really you since you're the one putting these words in my mouth) forget, can you just spam wine on rF instead of aging like you can on rE and rA?
Unfortunately, no. No matter what you have to wait at least some time to rank Wine Making. This is because the parameter that normally asks you to make wine, on rF, can only ever give you 40% skill training and both the book parameter and the aged wine parameter give 50%. This means you may only get at most 90% training with only the book and spammed wines.

Let me guess, getting those four books are hard to get like in Musical Knowledge/Composing/Meditation/Rest/First Aid/_Insert_Crap_?
Nope, all four books are sold from Aeira's normal shop. That's right, not Secret Shop, not Special (Coupon) Shop, she sells it to you freely.

What if I wanted to do the minigame? How is it done?
Well, the minigame isn't needed to rank the skill is and is unrelated to this skill, actually. But Solar already wrote a guide for the minigame back in 2010. (Before this skill existed.)

One last question! Why did you bother to write this guide?. . .
I was bored. . .
Last edited by Kapra on Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Guide] How/Why you should rank Winemaking Now, before G

Post by ferghus »

Great guide, loving the style and formatting. :D
Too bad my Fighter noob in Alexina has no AP to spare.

Re: [Guide] How/Why you should rank Winemaking Now, before G

Post by radionoise »

I believe it's actually 9 INT, since for whatever reason rank Novice adds 1 INT unlike other skills. Overseas resources and skillelveldescription.xml seem to confirm this.

However, I have no idea how to edit skill description charts in mabi wiki to input the correct information... so wakarimasen, lol.

Re: [Guide] How/Why you should rank Winemaking Now, before G

Post by Kapra »

Yoorah wrote:Great guide, loving the style and formatting. :D
radionoise wrote:I believe it's actually 9 INT, since for whatever reason rank Novice adds 1 INT unlike other skills. Overseas resources and skillelveldescription.xml seem to confirm this.

However, I have no idea how to edit skill description charts in mabi wiki to input the correct information... so wakarimasen, lol.
Edited the wiki table to include novice and the ninth int, thanks for the information. Also edited this guide to say 9 int.

Re: [Guide] How/Why you should rank Winemaking Now, before G

Post by shadofrak »

The only problem for me is actually remembering to check my wine...

Re: [Guide] How/Why you should rank Winemaking Now, before G

Post by Sky »

shadofrak wrote:The only problem for me is actually remembering to check my wine...
make an erinn or real time alarm clock?

or buy one of its books, then whenever you see your inventory you'll notice that you have an unused book and when you check it it'll remind you to check winery.

Re: [Guide] How/Why you should rank Winemaking Now, before G

Post by shadofrak »

Sky wrote:
shadofrak wrote:The only problem for me is actually remembering to check my wine...
make an erinn or real time alarm clock?

or buy one of its books, then whenever you see your inventory you'll notice that you have an unused book and when you check it it'll remind you to check winery.
I have some grapes stocked in my inv, so maybe ill remember that way
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