Halloween Event to Come

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Halloween Event to Come

Post by Soluna »

Nexon wrote:A spooky new set of Halloween events are about to kick off in Mabinogi! Some of the Emain Macha townspeople have reported seeing ghostly apparitions around the city. If you wander around town in the evening hours, you may even see the ghosts yourself! Anyone who hasn’t visited a dungeon in Erinn won’t believe a thing you have to say about ghosts, so you’ll need to provide incontrovertible evidence of your findings! What better way to prove what you’ve seen by sketching your findings? If it works in frontier of Iria, it’ll work on a mere city street, right?


Get to work sketching those ghosts! Sketch them in a specific order then turn in your drawings to the only thing that would believe ghosts are roaming the streets: the Grandfather Ghost! Your reward for these sketches will be one of an assortment of perfectly-themed Jack-o-Lantern hats!



While Mabinogians are busy chronicling the ghost family in Emain Macha, those off adventuring in Iria may notice pumpkins falling from the sky like shooting stars! Areas around Qilla, Cor, Physis, Connous, and Renes will see pumpkins aflame, falling from the skies.


Gather the celestial Pumpkin Star Fragments and carve them up! If your Jack-o-Lanterns are up-to-par, you will receive a prize, among the prizes, a Pumpkin Robe!

Pumpkin Robe! (LOL at Halloween Witch Robe and Ghost Robe, We told people it would be at events and not only auction house). Okay lineup event for Halloween I guess, ~"~ fossil recovery again though.... and "chance" at pumpkin robe? :[ Time to worship one of the 3 Gods of Mabinogi again.
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