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A Mabinogi Tale

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 10:46 pm
by Kenero
Once a long time ago, there was a young girl who was training her alchemy skills. She was a dedicated alchemist who strived to be the best in it, and she meticulous planned every day to every gold to a schedule she made for herself in order to maximized her training.

During an early morning, she got up to train her synthesis skill, the hardest skill she had come across and was expecting to dedicate the whole day to it. Just like every morning, she open up her friends list to see who was online and saw that one of her new contacts had his status set to a depressing message.

Curious, she messaged him what happened and he explained that he made a promise he could not keep, in his greed he borrowed 10 million from a friend for a costume and now he feels in his haste he can never repay his friend back. The girl knew from the start that the boy was weak and he was but a newbie with big ambitions that he had no true power to obtain and knew that he often bit more than he can chew...

... But instead of feeling anger or even pity, she felt touched by his story. As ambitious and reckless the boy was, he was just a kid who had high ambitions and now he is caught in a trap. Sighing, she checked her bank to see she only had 11.8 million... Money she saved up every week in preparation for training the synthesis skill. However, when she re-read the boy's story, her heart didn't hesitate as she withdrew 10 million in the form of a check and told the boy to meet at her homestead.

Upon arriving at the homestead, she surprised the boy with the check and he was doubtfully surprised at it. He felt mix emotions as he begrudgingly took the money and promised to pay her back, however the girl smiled and said she will not need the money back.

The boy was bewildered by her reply, since he now realizes what a huge sum 10 million is and ask her why. She gave no reply to her reason, because deep down she had no reason... Only her feelings, which was more worth to her than any reason. She left the homestead telling him to spend his money better and that even the richest of merchant and strongest of warriors start small... And he too should start small and build up.

The boy sent her a message, saying he will never forget her kindness and one day he will return it. The girl smiled and planned her schedule again, already looking up the days until she could gather enough to train synthesis.

As the months pass and as typical of any mmo, people come and people leave. Old friends bid farewell while the newbies bid one another hello. The girl herself, not only an accomplished alchemist, but a formidable warrior and ranger as well, were looking for her next purchase. It was a hard bidding that went for hours for the mythical rank S wavesweeper and she was slowly bidding her money until she had no choice but to put all 15 million she had up for the relic. However her hopes were shot as the seller noted that someone had bid higher and she had no way to go any further.

Distraught, she gave her thanks to the seller for allowing her to participate and sighed to herself when will there be a new event to obtain the wavesweeper. As she thought of that, she saw her mail icon lit up on the bottom right hand of her screen. She wondered who would be sending her mail as she went to the mailbox to open it.

Lo and behold, there in the mail was the rank S wavesweeper she was desiring, sitting there for 0 gold... But why? When she saw the sender, she could vaguely recognize the username, but that was of little importance, because there in the main body of the letter was a message meant for her.

In the message was written a note that thank the girl for what she had done many months ago. The sender introduced himself as the newbie she helped paid off his debt when he was new and ever since then he has been careful in both his money and ap. He wrote that her kindness inspired him to be a better person and that he was extremely grateful. He caught news that she was buying the wavesweeper and using his own money, he won it for her and wanted her to have it as his thanks for what she had done.

She felt a warmth spread out in her chest, not from the golden rank S wavesweeper, but to know that the boy she was talked about was doing fine and that he was still playing the game. She smiled, realizing that while she may have forgotten what she did for him, he remembered... Which led her to a philosophical moment:

"Never remember nor count the deeds you do for others, but always remember the deeds others have done for you."

While she thought of that, she overheard a young girl in Dunbarton depressed that she wanted a special dress with an animation, but she will never get the money to obtain it. While she was reading her message, she saw the party message that someone was selling the dress the girl wanted for 6 mil. Seeing how she had 15 million from not buying the wavesweeper, she promptly bought the dress and mailed it to the young stranger girl in Dunbarton for free with the message, "As I have given you this, do a good deed for someone else." and she sent the mail. The young girl realized that she had mail, and told her friend in Dunbarton that she will check the mailbox.

The girl, not waiting to see what happened, summoned her pet and took the moongate to Tara, as she had another philosophical moment:

"Kindness can be spread as easily as a virus, bringing warmth to those it touches."

And with that, she disappeared among the dimensional portal of the moongate.

~ Mabinogi Memorial Tale Collection No. 001

Re: A Mabinogi Tale

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 10:53 pm
by ferghus
Kenero is full of cute stories. :D