Wink Creating Private Server with REAL Mabinogi SERVER FILES!!!

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Wink Creating Private Server with REAL Mabinogi SERVER FILES!!!

Post by tombalaci_46 »

Hello everybody,

Finally i have got official mabinogi server files. Don't ask me where i get.
So i have creating server with it. But i have some problems on it. Everything is japanese, and its hard for me understand. Anyway i converted client to english. But server files still japanese, also i have hacked setup tutorial files but also japanase, anyway i run server. But i have some problems, first problem gameserver crashing why i don't know, anyway i can run via ollydbg debugging, second problem. After login server character is coming with blackrobe.

Some screens


So what i want ?

I want one good developer, dont ask stupit questions, developer will be access only via teamviever to my server, i wont give full access never. I dont want those files get released. What will got developer ?
After i get run server, server developer will get % from server donations.

If you think you can do it add my skype or QQ

Last edited by ferghus on Tue Nov 25, 2014 1:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wink Creating Private Server with REAL Mabinogi SERVER FILES!!!

Post by ferghus »

Normally I'd consider this spam, but "Wink...REAL Mabinogi SERVER FILES!!!" ?
Had to leave it here for the laughs.

Having access to leaked server files isn't all that special and more skilled people have had access to them as well, anyway.

Re: Wink Creating Private Server with REAL Mabinogi SERVER FILES!!!

Post by kev »

Yoorah wrote:Having access to leaked server files isn't all that special and more skilled people have had access to them as well, anyway.
Then why don't more skilled people actually release a private server with that access?

Like this Tom guy he is Turkish and he has gotten the files from hacking nexon and also got Vindictus Server Files/Lunia Online Server files. Which he stole from nexon but I digress the server seems to work great there is some bugs of course because it's a japan test build client v200 or about R76 (G13S2)

("Mabinogi Japan's Client is at Version 201. Chapter 4: Generation 13 Season 2 (Hamlet) was released on December 17, 2010.)

It's actually pretty amazing I am going to assume it got hacked via clouds saves because 4 years client files or Executes files (complied files) wouldn't be found easily
Spoiler: show
is the website he released the server in 11th January 2015 and the beta testing phase was in December 2014

It seems like Tom doesn't like communication skills since when we asked him to reset the server because of people complaining about pet lag he just said "why" on the skype group also people on the forums made a whole bunch of comments about him and asked him to come on but he said this "his english is different" "i dont understand whgat the ywant" it was a long discussion about him and how to treat the server as a whole and this was just for a server restart

I know he is only in for the profits but if he is in for the profits on the internet he should at least learn English

He doesn't treat his developers to most of the files to fix the bugs and to add suggestions one developer said

"No im sick of NOT BEING ABLE TO DO ANYTHING FOR THE COMMUNITY" I assumed he keeps on getting annoyed by the amount of bugs that will build up each day and the suggestions he can't implant

In total to keep this server alive the amount needed for it is 500 USD Dollars for a dedicated host I doubt it's actually 500$ it's more like 50$-200$ max seems like this server might still be alive by the time anyone reads this if anyone actually donates to this owner (Tom) but I wouldn't he seems to be a big dick about most things and only thinks about profit he might as well sell the source files to someone who reads and understands English

And as you guys know for the Aura Project that is pretty much not even done generation 1 so if we ever do manage to get this source file opened into the internet mabi private server community might start to grow without this horrible of a monopoly Tom made with this server

So if this server is still alive by the time you see this it might have gotten some shitty developers or great ones who also hate Tom but all I know as long as Tom is there I wouldn't advise you guys to donate

Edit: (26.01.2015) Server has shut down by 26/01/2015

In the end I wished It could have lasted 2 months more or so but I guess it's the risks you have to take if you want to be first in a server but also the owner Orbay (Tom) wasn't willing to cooperate and let the developers edit the files but too be fair Orbay is just a huge dick in general so we couldn't really do much, the other developer had the most trust with Tom but was starting school so he couldn't help at all. I would most likely take the risk again if the owner was nice and actually spoken to his player base in English

I doubt it but I hope someone could buy the files and make a non-p2w server

This might be my last Edit depending on where the files are going towards now either his bin or selling it to someone else with that money.

Edit: (29.01.2015) Updated with what kind of files and how he got them

and also it seems like that both of the developers were trying to work out how they could create a spambot for the official server. they needed help to make it they went over to aura project and asked it for and of course whispered to some people in the official servers. But of course your making the private server less legit that way, they were desperate for trying to get 100 players concurrently playing.

and also here is the skype conversion that he said he hacked them
Spoiler: show
((Pet Lag)Summoning times and De-summoning times take forever to do I assume because of the dedicated host)

((Website Links)I saved this as a archive because it might be gone in 10 days for people in the future)
Last edited by kev on Sat Jan 31, 2015 1:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Re: Wink Creating Private Server with REAL Mabinogi SERVER FILES!!!

Post by KiFastSystemCall »


BS. He said it himself that he finally got his hands on the real server files. He hacked it himself? Bleh. I won't believe that even if i was using my toenail to think.

Re: Wink Creating Private Server with REAL Mabinogi SERVER FILES!!!

Post by kev »

KiFastSystemCall wrote:Image

BS. He said it himself that he finally got his hands on the real server files. He hacked it himself? Bleh. I won't believe that even if i was using my toenail to think.
Hmm he also seemed to have gotten 2 other server files as stated above didn't nexon get hacked by a A 16-year-old Boy from japan and stole a lot of mabinogi points? so it could be possible

Re: Wink Creating Private Server with REAL Mabinogi SERVER FILES!!!

Post by Ainna »

kev wrote: didn't nexon get hacked by a Hacked by A 16-year-old Boy from japan and stole a lot of mabinogi points? so it could be possible
That boy didn't "hack" it. He got the login-information of an former nexon employee.
Sure he might have hacked the information or maybe he obtained them otherwise. Did he have access to backend? Or was it only frontend? Because all he apparently did was only getting nx cash.
Noone but they know what really happend.

First off Tom himself wrote here that he "finally" obtained those files. So his latter statement of "2 years" loses credibility.
Then if he really hacked the files himself then why did he hack the japanese files/servers (which are probably more secure) and not the english ones? Also he himself mentioned that japanese is "hard" for him to understand. So would he even be able to hack the files in the first place?
But really, why hack the japanese servers and not the english one? I know his english is arse but I doubt that his japanese is any better than google translate. It makes no sense.

Finally... why did he really shut down the servers? Well... not shut down but rather empty them.
Because the webserver is still online with a blank index.html. Im not sure about his gameserver tho because that was protected from the beginning of mabire onwards. You could only get your ping ingame. You couldn't ping the server ip via cmd or traceroute. So either firewall or ip/port restriction of some sort.
But back to the main issue, why did he "really" "shut it down".
The server/s are online. They cost money. If he really only cared about money than he would use them till they expire or until he has something else he can host.
Maybe nexon was on his butt, maybe I am thinking too much into it and he is just stupid as I previously thought.

I heard ppl were trying to buy the files but he declined... Why would he do that?
- noone is gonna join his server if he decides to open it up again
- in a few years nothing is really gonna change, just even less people playing or even caring about mabinogi *cough* tree of saviour *cough*
- aura getting closer to g1

He gets nothing from sitting on them.
So it really might just be nexon on his butt. OR.... hes really just stupid..... (well he tried to monetize a game in which most players already invested a ton of money and or time into their characters on official)

Re: Wink Creating Private Server with REAL Mabinogi SERVER FILES!!!

Post by kev »

Ainna wrote:
kev wrote: didn't nexon get hacked by a Hacked by A 16-year-old Boy from japan and stole a lot of mabinogi points? so it could be possible
That boy didn't "hack" it. He got the login-information of an former nexon employee.
Sure he might have hacked the information or maybe he obtained them otherwise. Did he have access to backend? Or was it only frontend? Because all he apparently did was only getting nx cash.
Noone but they know what really happend.

First off Tom himself wrote here that he "finally" obtained those files. So his latter statement of "2 years" loses credibility.
Then if he really hacked the files himself then why did he hack the japanese files/servers (which are probably more secure) and not the english ones? Also he himself mentioned that japanese is "hard" for him to understand. So would he even be able to hack the files in the first place?
But really, why hack the japanese servers and not the english one? I know his english is arse but I doubt that his japanese is any better than google translate. It makes no sense.

Finally... why did he really shut down the servers? Well... not shut down but rather empty them.
Because the webserver is still online with a blank index.html. Im not sure about his gameserver tho because that was protected from the beginning of mabire onwards. You could only get your ping ingame. You couldn't ping the server ip via cmd or traceroute. So either firewall or ip/port restriction of some sort.
But back to the main issue, why did he "really" "shut it down".
The server/s are online. They cost money. If he really only cared about money than he would use them till they expire or until he has something else he can host.
Maybe nexon was on his butt, maybe I am thinking too much into it and he is just stupid as I previously thought.

I heard ppl were trying to buy the files but he declined... Why would he do that?
- noone is gonna join his server if he decides to open it up again
- in a few years nothing is really gonna change, just even less people playing or even caring about mabinogi *cough* tree of saviour *cough*
- aura getting closer to g1

He gets nothing from sitting on them.
So it really might just be nexon on his butt. OR.... hes really just stupid..... (well he tried to monetize a game in which most players already invested a ton of money and or time into their characters on official)

"I heard ppl were trying to buy the files but he declined"

No he didn't decline the developer Flip didn't want to ask him about the price of the files

So he might be selling it but what's the point of complied files? just host a bunch of g13 servers with some custom rates and that's the best the mabinogi private server community would be.

Re: Wink Creating Private Server with REAL Mabinogi SERVER FILES!!!

Post by Ainna »

kev wrote: "I heard ppl were trying to buy the files but he declined"

No he didn't decline the developer Flip didn't want to ask him about the price of the files

So he might be selling it but what's the point of complied files? just host a bunch of g13 servers with some custom rates and that's the best the mabinogi private server community would be.
Yes, the files are old and in japanese.
So yeah they aren't that great and the p-server community would only have access to past content.

Pro's of the official files:
- old combat
- pretty much everything working

- they need alot of work in terms of translation
- limited in terms of customization
- no updates / stuck at g13

But it would still be better than not having anything. Aura still needs time and I don't know if aura will be able to support the old combat.
Also aura might be able to develop their emulator faster with official files, who knows what they could salvage.

Buying those files sure would be dumb. He might scam money off of you and then release it or whatnot.
On the other hand if they wouldn't get released then we would prolly stand in front of another mabire and noone playing the server. Because who would join another heavily monetized pserver that could die in a few weeks? Noone that still plays official thats for sure, maybe a few.

Releasing the files would definitely help us. Nexon not so much D:
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Re: Wink Creating Private Server with REAL Mabinogi SERVER FILES!!!

Post by ferghus »

I find this whole thing to be pretty amusing. Also, I don't think that a lack of fluency in English is the OP's only issue, but I digress...

How the files got out there? You have underground hacker communities where hackers do this and share their exploits among their peers to show their worth to the group. Every once in a while, they involve the wrong person and stuff leaks to the noobs. It's not impossible for the OP to have also obtained the files on his own, but it most certainly is unlikely, all things considered. We have no way to know for certain--and personally, I don't really care.

What I can say with absolute certainty is that Nexon has been a fairly soft target for hacking. I do not consider myself to be a security expert, yet I was able to help them fix two security holes in their web services some years ago: One involved an exploit in the account recovery mechanism, and another involved a vulnerability in their server software that could be exploited to get root access to the server and possibly more. I wouldn't bet against someone with the right skillset being able to go in and get what they want, if they cared enough to do so.

I also have little respect for those who use stolen software--more so if they are trying to make money off of it in this manner. I can't speak for the Aura project devs, but I would imagine that they would want no part in the leaked server files. They're developing their own server from scratch as a way to build their programming skills. I think that's pretty cool.

Re: Wink Creating Private Server with REAL Mabinogi SERVER FILES!!!

Post by Ainna »

Yoorah wrote:I find this whole thing to be pretty amusing. Also, I don't think that a lack of fluency in English is the OP's only issue, but I digress...

How the files got out there? You have underground hacker communities where hackers do this and share their exploits among their peers to show their worth to the group. Every once in a while, they involve the wrong person and stuff leaks to the noobs. It's not impossible for the OP to have also obtained the files on his own, but it most certainly is unlikely, all things considered. We have no way to know for certain--and personally, I don't really care.
I searched the whole web in 5 different languages on multiple search engines. There was no hint / clue / anything that helped. Sure it's out there somewhere but hidden.
The OP also has his own forum with some pserver stuff, cracked games and other things. But I still don't think that he got it that way.
I think he got them from his chinese friend. The chinese have loads of hacked stuff but then again why would they hack japanese files and not the chinese ones? I also searched soke and nothing was there.
Yoorah wrote: What I can say with absolute certainty is that Nexon has been a fairly soft target for hacking. I do not consider myself to be a security expert, yet I was able to help them fix two security holes in their web services some years ago: One involved an exploit in the account recovery mechanism, and another involved a vulnerability in their server software that could be exploited to get root access to the server and possibly more. I wouldn't bet against someone with the right skillset being able to go in and get what they want, if they cared enough to do so.
So you could have gotten root access.... y u no steal stuffs? :<
JK but getting root access is a big deal it opens you everything.
Yoorah wrote: I also have little respect for those who use stolen software--more so if they are trying to make money off of it in this manner. I can't speak for the Aura project devs, but I would imagine that they would want no part in the leaked server files. They're developing their own server from scratch as a way to build their programming skills. I think that's pretty cool.
Depends on the amount of money and what kind of server. Smaller servers charging money for stuff would be dumb as fuck.
A large server sure needs some income in order to sustain itself. But that again shows how dumb the OP was.... 500bucks.....??? 50 would have been enough for his server.
Smaller servers can easily be hosted on a ~10$ vserver (its nexons code otherwise i would have said 7$) and really don't need any money from donates.
So it is ok as long as its to sustain rather than to make profit.

Aura wouldn't copy paste anything, in fact i doubt they even could. But still those files could be used as reference and might solve some problems.

I really wanna mess with mabinogi Q_Q
I would try to make the fieldbosses more attractive by adding mounts like the stoopd dragons to only drop from desert dragon or whatever.
Then people might actually care about them xD
Argh I have so many Ideas I wanna try out :<<<

On that note, we should make a thread about what we would do if we had the files.
-> Point out the good and bad ideas of each other.
-> Create the ultimate server.
-> Be sad because we dont have the files :<
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