Adniel stories

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Adniel stories

Post by somecoolguy »

This thread is dedicated to Adniel's horn, the epic nuke of mabinogi. Please share your stories and/or pictures of your fun times with adniel's horn :B

So I guess I'll start, though I have no pictures.

One day I decided to help some people do the defensive mission. After we had cleared and everyone had gathered into the treasure area, I grabbed my chest, scampered away out of sight, blew the horn, and exited.
Three minutes later, a big pile of dead people appeared on the altar. They didn't seem too pissed.

Another time I decided to use it on a pole. I forgot about the wide danger zone radius and had nowhere to run and basically suicide cleared the spawn.

How bout you guiz?

*edit* I also used the horn to nuke tao once. I told him to run and gave him fair warning. He ran in a triangle and promptly died.

Re: Adniel stories

Post by Kiex »

lol... dang it so thats how i was dead after i afked at the treasure chest place of our guild wizard run... I forgot about the adniel horn option. (I was totally confuzzled at how i was dead)

when i find out who nuked me~~ you young whipper snappers!! cough cough..
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