Vindictus is coming, ready to slaughter?

For general discussions related to Nexon's latest Mabinogi-themed offering: Vindictus!
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Vindictus is coming, ready to slaughter?

Post by Achiel »

Vindictus Early Retarded Acess Key Beta is coming up.

Just who's about ready to party in a somewhat Monster Hunter fashion?
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Re: Vindictus is coming, ready to slaughter?

Post by ferghus »

Looking forward to the 15th.

Re: Vindictus is coming, ready to slaughter?

Post by Yuneiko »

I'm gonna be playing on western.

Re: Vindictus is coming, ready to slaughter?

Post by Beepuke »

is there any differnece between western and eastern? and when is the download going to be up?
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Re: Vindictus is coming, ready to slaughter?

Post by ferghus »

Download is already up, it's the ver2 CBT client. I doubt they will require an entirely new client download, as it'd be pointless considering so many CB testers already have a client. I'd expect a patch, though. xd ... upV002.exe

As for east and west, you pick the server that's closer to you for lower network latency. I assume account/character data will be the same across both servers, so you can try both. Dunno if they actually have servers on the east coast, or if it's simply to separate east and west coast players for better peer-to-peer connectivity, if the game's network engine actually works that way (DFO does).

Re: Vindictus is coming, ready to slaughter?

Post by Achiel »

Nope. They're seperate.
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Re: Vindictus is coming, ready to slaughter?

Post by ferghus »

lawl, I'm pretty sure everyone noticed. :c

It's really bad design; they're artificially tying someone to a geographic location for performance reasons, but without regard to the person's actual, current geographic location. That means if someone moves locations (as students, a significant portion of their customer base, do) they will either have to remake their character or enjoy the lag. Most will probably decide to put up with the lag, making their customers' experience worse overall in the process. Bad design!

Should have done it like in DFO, where east and west act as mere gateways. :|
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