Damage Formulas

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Damage Formulas

Post by Soluna »

Not the most exciting things to read, but lately there's quite a bit question on Alchemy Potential Damage and Was the So-Called Magic Enhancement Update implemented etc. I went ahead and tried to organized the formulas a bit, but it is still not easy to understand though, so if you want just read the notes from each section and skip to the end to see the important things to be aware of.

Combat Damage Formula
X= Skill Damage Modifier :Damage range determined by the rank of your skill
Y= STR/DEX Bonus :Damage added by the STR/DEX stats of your character
E= Enchant Damage :Damage added from enchant equipments e.g. Fox
W= Weapon Damage :Damage added from weapons
Z= Mastery Bonus :Damage added from Combat/Range Mastery
D= Target Defense :Enemy Defense
P= Target Protection :Enemy Protection
H= Heavy Stander Reduction :Enemy Heavy Stander Reduction
M= Elemental Bonus :Elemental attribute bonus
C= Critical Hit Bonus :2.5 Bonus at Rank 1 Critical Hit

STR Bonus Formula: STR*0.4
DEX Bonus Formula: DEX*0.4

Basic Formula { ( [ Y + E + W + Z ] * C * X - D ) * P } * H * M

1. To calculate the value for Target Protection and Mana Reflector Reduction use subtract the value from 100%.
e.g. Enemy with 20% Protection, the P value would be 80%, or 0.8
2. Bonus Damage from Mastery is affected by Critical Hits.
3. All number input are floored to integer, while it is rounded at the end.
4. Critical Hit Modifier is 1 + the Rank Bonus, in the case of Rank 1: 2.5. If is not a Critical Hit, the value is just 1.

Magic Damage Formula
X= Skill Rank Damage :Damage range determined by the rank of your skill
Y= INT Bonus :Damage added by the INT stats of your character
A= Charge Increase A :Multiple charged magic attack increase e.g. Firebolt
B= Charge Increase B :Final bolt from Thunder's increase 1~4 charge:1.5, 5 charge:2
E= Enchant Damage :Damage added from enchant equipments e.g. Fox
F= Enchant Damage Factor :Factor that is applied to the damage added from enchants
S= Spirit Weapon Damage :Damage added from the Spirit Weapon Wand
W= Weapon Damage (Wand) :Damage added from using wands. Ice +10, Lightning +7, Fire +5*(# of Charge)
*There is no 1.5 bonus at 5th charge for Wand Damage.
D= Target Defense :Enemy Defense
P= Target Protection :Enemy Protection
R= Mana Reflector Reduction :Enemy Mana Reflector Reduction
M= Elemental Bonus :Elemental attribute bonus
C= Critical Hit Bonus :2.5 Bonus at Rank 1 Critical Hit

INT Bonus Formula: Floor( 2*log(INT)^3 )


Basic Magics (Bolt) ( { [ X * A + E * F + S + W ] * C – D } * P + Y ) * R * M
Fusion Magics Attack A + Attack B
Advanced Magic { ( { [ X * A + E * F ] * B * C – D } ) * P + [ Y * B ] } * R * M


Basic Magics (Bolt) ( { [ X * A + E * F + S + W ] * C – D } * P + Y ) * 1.1 * R * M
Fusion Magics Attack A + Attack B
Advanced Magic { ( { [ X * A + E * F ] * B * C – D } ) * P + [ Y * B ] } * 1.1 * R * M

1. To calculate the value for Target Protection and Mana Reflector Reduction use subtract the value from 100%.
e.g. Enemy with 20% Protection, the P value would be 80%, or 0.8
2. Wand only increase bolt magics, not advanced magic.
3. Critical Hit does not affect INT Bonus damage.
4. INT bonus damage ignores Target Defense and Protection
5. All number input are floored to integer, while it is rounded at the end.
6. Thunder's Charge Increase B is affected by Critical Hit.
7. Critical Hit Modifier is 1 + the Rank Bonus, in the case of Rank 1: 2.5. If is not a Critical Hit, the value is just 1.

Alchemy Damage Formula
X= Skill Rank Damage :Damage range determined by the rank of your skill
Z = Max Damage from Skill :Maximum damage determined by the rank of your skill
Y= Alchemy Mastery Bonus :Damage added from Alchemy Mastery
A= Charge Increase A :Multiple charged alchemy attack increase e.g. Water Cannon
E1= Enchant Damage :Damage added from enchant equpiments e.g. Fox
E2= Attribute Damage :Damage from attribute enchant such as Moist, +27 water damage
W= Cylinder Bonus :Damage added from using correct type of elemental cylinder
D= Target Defense :Enemy Defense
P= Target Protection :Enemy Protection
R= Mana Reflector Reduction :Enemy Mana Reflector Reduction
M= Elemental Bonus :Elemental attribute bonus
C= Critical Hit Bonus :2.5 Bonus at Rank 1 Critical Hit

Alchemy Mastery Bonus Formula: Floor( Z * A * AM )
*AM is Alchemy Mastery Rank Effect, Rank 9 is 21%, Rank 1 is 45%
Cylinder Bonus: 18% Wind, 15% Water/Fire, 9% Earth
*Cylinder will give reduced bonus when using incorrect element types

Basic Formula ( { [ ( X + E2 ) * A + E1 ] * C – D } * P + Y ) * W * R * M

1. To calculate the value for Target Protection and Mana Reflector Reduction use subtract the value from 100%.
e.g. Enemy with 20% Protection, the P value would be 80%, or 0.8
2. Only attribute enchant are affected by charge increase.
3. Critical Hit does not affect Alchemy Mastery Bonus damage.
4. Alchemy Mastery Bonus damage ignores Target Defense and Protection.
5. Regular Enchants do not get Charge Bonus effect, but Attribute Alchemy Enchants do.
Basically, nothing much to say about Combat Damage Formula other than that the Mastery Bonus from Range and Combat are actually affected by critical hits as oppose to INT bonus and Alchemy bonus which is added to the end.

For Magic Formula, yea the update is there alright, I have tested it. Mages who say otherwise is just in denial...
The update gave a 10% boost to all magic skills hence the 1.1 modifier. Is was never a "GREAT BOOST" like some people were saying, dunno how the rumor got spread like that. Anyway 1.1 is not a lot, but it is something, and just to point out this will help Thunder a little more provided the user wears some damage enchants to take advantage of this update. Nothing much else to say since most the formula remind unchanged here.

Finally, there's the Alchemy Formula. As oppose to popular belief that the damage is (skill dmg + enchant dmg) * charges * critical hit * cylinder bonus (combat formula style), it is actually quite similar to magic formula instead. Main difference between the 2 formula is that Alchemy don't have INT bonus, but use Alchemy Mastery instead, which is better than the INT bonus itself (Logarithmic? O come on...). The other difference is in the enchant itself which there's specific Elemental Attribute enchant damages for Alchemy instead of the ridiculous Enchant Factors for magic. If anything, Alchemy is more like a re-worked form of magic where it doesn't get hampered as bad in terms of increasing the potential outputs.

In conclusion, magic probably have one of the worst formula to work with, alchemy have the most complex formula, and combat is probably the easiest to understand.
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Re: [Data]Damage Formulas

Post by ferghus »

So fancy enchants like Moist aren't that great, as they don't get stacked with the number of charges on Water Cannon. D: That's too bad. When Chain Cylinder, regular damage enchants would be better, period?
I thought people were saying that only alchemy-type enchants would boost alchemy damage.

Re: [Data]Damage Formulas

Post by Soluna »

Yoorah wrote:So fancy enchants like Moist aren't that great, as they don't get stacked with the number of charges on Water Cannon. D: That's too bad. When Chain Cylinder, regular damage enchants would be better, period?
I thought people were saying that only alchemy-type enchants would boost alchemy damage.
Soluna wrote:Basic Formula ( { [ ( X + E2 ) * A + E1 ] * C – D } * P + Y ) * W * R * M
A= Charge Increase A : Multiple charged alchemy attack increase e.g. Water Cannon
E1= Enchant Damage : Damage added from enchant equpiments e.g. Fox
E2= Attribute Damage : Damage from attribute enchant such as Moist, +27 water damage
E1 E2 Reversed, Right conclusion, but the other way around.
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