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[G18] r153 to 155 diff report (partial)

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 4:09 pm
by Sen
Before you begin reading know that this is only the data\db contents (this doesn't mean that I included it's subdirectories). There's too much data for me to sort through doing it through the method I've been doing to come up with this report. When/If I finish developing a program to make the process more simple, I'll then continue to document the full update, until then this is all I have for you; my apologies.

achievementtable.xml has been modified to add two new achievements to your journal (for watching ep. 1-5 and ep. 6-10 of drama in iria) both worth 100 points each.
The diff can be found here:

animationevent.anievent has been modified mainly for the rock paper scissor event animations, new alchemy vate golem, and instruments (violin, piano, and cello).
The diff can be found here:

banquet.xml has been modified it seems there's a new "drama party" added, but seems to give the same exp as any regular guild banquet. (LOL @ black_robe_party)
The diff can be found here:

charactercondition.xml has been modified mainly for the rock paper scissor "buffs" such as the life skill exp boost, combat exp boost, and shadow mission bonus. However, there are some interesting ones such as GunFrenzy, Dodge Enhance, and DualGunSkillExpBoost.
The diff can be found here (better to look at it raw in a text editor because the lines are so long):

dungeon_ruin.xml has been modified. The only real changes I see here are to add a different karu dungeon setup for iria drama episode 2.
The diff can be found here (again better to view it raw):

faceemotion2.xml has been modified, new eye and mouth emotions have been added, however I can't see what the name of these new ones are so it's not worth posting a diff.

footstep.xml has been modified, but pretty much self-explanatory (adding footstep sounds for the new content areas of iria).

itemdb.xml has been modified it seems new bags, hairstyles (both male and female), balloons, clothes, armor, instrument painting spray, durability hammer, and a ton more (no seriously...thousands of lines of xml).
The diff can be found here if you really are curious (it was too large to upload to pastie):

itemenchancecommon.xml has been modified, itemsets 58-67 have been added, however there are no BonusDesc fields for these specific itemsets yet so I can't tell what the actual enchancments are.
The diff can be found here:

itemenchanceeffect.xml has been modified, but I can't figure out which itemenchanments were changed the google translator only does so much ;~;
The diff can be found here:

itemmetalrealview.xml has been modified to add ability tables for the dual gunner job.
The diff can be found here:

itemupgradedb.xml has been modified. A good portion of the first couple hundred lines are just edits to localname and desc fields of already existing item upgrades. The new item upgrades however, consist of drills, tsos(ie. toso_magic_acceleration1),
savage lightning wand, savage fire wand, savage ice wand, hermit staff, dragon bow, dragon slayer, and dual gun upgrades.
The diff can be found here (too large for pastie):

job.xml has been modified to add dual gun to the list. The description in Korean is temporary.
The diff can be found here:

jobagetable.xml has been modified to add the dual gun job age table.
The diff can be found here:

keyword.xml has been modified. I'm not entirely sure what this file is used for, however RPS event fields and a japan_8th_event (Easter event?) fields have been added.
The diff can be found here:

minimapinfo.xml has been modified. This is pretty straight-forward, nothing exciting to report here just added minimap information for the new maps in Iria.
The diff can be found here:

motion.xml has been modified. Not much to say here, mainly entries of "SunbathSit", "BalloonBlow", and "SandMaking". Other than that, at the very bottom of the file, there's a new motion class for the vate golem (alchemy).
The diff can be found here:

npcclientappearance.xml has been modified. Other than coding style changes (tabbing and white space), the only things actually added were npc relating to G18 (blackdragonknight_ruari, akule_eagle, etc).
The diff that shows the added npcs can be found here:

npcinfo.xml has been modified. The only noticable changes here are caravan joe's various forms (8th aniversary and RPS) and the kendo, music, and occult forms.
The diff can be found here:

optionset.xml has been modified. New (mostly already known from KR) G18 enchants have been added. This is as follows: Rookie, Veteran, Magic Power, Engineer, Amnesia, Secret Agent, Royal Gaurd, Coma, Officer, Semi Automatic, Assault, Camouflage, Automatic,
Poachers, Excavation, and High Power. However, it seems the following (Enchants or Titles?) have been removed: Miku, RIn, Len, Kaito, and Vocaloid.
The diff can be found here:

pawnshop.xml has been modified. The japan set's extendExpire field values were changed from "7:10|30:15|60:30" to "7:10|30:20|90:40".
The diff can be found here:

pccarddescription.xml has been modified. There have been some new character cards added as well as the expected hero card. Translated from google they are:

Code: Select all

2012 Christmas limited Tchaikovsky character card (Korea only)
Costume Contest 2012 Taiwanese character cards
2013 Winter limited costume character card (South Korea Romantic Travel winter clothes)
Noble Hanbok Costumes Character Cards
Costume Contest 2012 American Character Cards
Dungeon and Fighter (deonpa / Maple) Collaboration character card content
Zero Character Cards
Hero Character Cards
The diff can be found here:

petpartnertieup.xml has been modified. I'm not quite sure what to make of this file since all of the partners listed are female and the 3rd index field's value is "2", which is the same as the second (typo?). If you can piece anything together, let me know :)
The diff can be found here:

propdb.xml has been modified, but nothing significant to report.
The diff can be found here:

race.xml has been modified. Many new monsters and npcs seem to be added in here (way too many to list), if you're looking for ones specific to the Drama Iria update, search for the ClassName prefix "Drama_".
The diff can be found here:

regionlinkinfo.xml has been modified. Nothing interesting here, just standard game portal enter-exit information added for the iria update.
The diff can be found here:

rockpaperscissorsdesc.xml has been added. Again, nothing special here, just lists of motion types and adtexts (above your head) for the RPS event.
The diff can be found here:

scrapbook.xml has been modified to add three new foods to your scrapbook (translated using Google); Charred Grilled Dragon Heart, Dragon T-bone steak, and Dragon Blood Red Wine.
The diff can be found here:

serverlist.xml has been modified, but nothing that affects us (China added a new server).
The diff can be found here:

setitemdesc.xml has been modified. DogeEnhance, QuestExpEnhance, and DownAttackEnhance (set item stats) have been added.
The diff can be found here:

shapeshiftcommon.xml has been modified. The "Cosickeleptor" has been added (new transformation I'm guessing) and "gfSiljangNPC" was removed (not sure what this was).
The snippet can be found here:

socialmotiondesc.xml has been modified to add the New Years Bow.
The diff can be found here:

talentbonus.xml has been modified to add dual gun talent bonuses. It boosts min dmg, max dmg, and max life.
The diff can be found here:

talentdesc.xml has been modified to add the dual gun talent description, not too much to see here.
The diff can be found here:

talenttitle.xml has been modified. My best guess is that dual gun talent titles were added, however there are no descriptions of them in the diff; we'll just have to wait and see.
The diff can be found here: and have been modified, but since they're binaries I can't see exactly what has changed.

title.xml has been modified, however just like with talenttitle.xml there are no descriptions of what the added titles are. If you can piece together what they are based on their buff, let me know.
The diff can be found here:

urls.xml has been modified. These changes are for the other servers' urls, but if you're curious you can check it out.
The diff can be found here:

A vocaloid bear ai has been added: aidescdata_autobot_vocaloid_bear.xml
A vocaloid fox ai has been added: aidescdata_autobot_vocaloid_fox.xml
A vocaloid incubus ai has been added: aidescdata_autobot_vocaloid_bear.xml
A vocaloid rabbit ai has been added: aidescdata_autobot_vocaloid_rabbit.xml
A vocaloid squirrel ai has been added: aidescdata_autobot_vocaloid_squirrel.xml
A vocaloid succubus ai has been added: aidescdata_autobot_vocaloid_succubus.xml
A vocaloid tiger ai has been added: aidescdata_autobot_vocaloid_tiger.xml
A second pegasus ai has been added: aidescdata_pet_pegasus2.xml (This is the ai for the combat pegasus, refer to race.xml if you're curious).
The humain ai (aidescdata_human.xml) has been modified; the following changes have been added.

Code: Select all

 			<var name="audio_range" value="600" />
+	<definition race="GiantHeadlessRP">
+		<var_def>
+			<var name="visualfield_radius" value="950" />
+			<var name="audio_range" value="600" />
+		</var_def>
+	</definition>
+	<definition race="DramaEp2_BansheeRP">
+		<var_def>
+			<var name="visualfield_radius" value="950" />
+			<var name="audio_range" value="600" />
+		</var_def>
+	</definition>
+	<definition race="Drama_BlackDragonKnightRP">
+		<var_def>
+			<var name="visualfield_radius" value="950" />
+			<var name="audio_range" value="600" />
+		</var_def>
+	</definition>

Re: r153 to 155 (G18) diff report (partial)

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 2:39 am
by Moukoken
Drama party seems a copy of banquet but at 9pm friday, saturday, and sunday but it's hidden via <!-- -->

ItemEnhanceEffect.xml deals with red and blue upgrade and visuals (glow, trail, etc)

Also you can cross search at .data/local/xml/. for some more information

Some examples:


Code: Select all

<MinimapInfo RegionID="3206" feature="gfNewIriaPart1" MapName="_LT[xml.minimapinfo.861]" MapLocalName="_LT[xml.minimapinfo.868]" MapWidth="25600" MapHeight="51200" MapFile="_LT[xml.minimapinfo.837]" MapImageWidth="400" MapImageHeight="800" MapOffsetX="0" MapOffsetY="0" ZoomMax="1" EnableFog="false" WorldMapOffsetX="0" WorldMapOffsetY="0" WorldMapSizeX="1" WorldMapSizeY="1" FogRadius="0" FieldMapWidth="0" FieldMapHeight="0" ContinentMapOffsetX="0" ContinentMapOffsetY="0" ContinentMapWidth="0" ContinentMapHeight="0" ContinentType="2" />

Code: Select all

837	data/gfx/gui/map_jpg/minimap_Iria_Physis_Minefield_in.jpg
861	Hillwen Mine_Interior
868	Hillwen Mine B1

Code: Select all

<talenttitle category="1002" titleid="11711" localname="_LT[xml.talenttitle.2193]" talentid1="17" talentlevel1="11" imageOffsetX="2" imageOffsetY="18" desc="_LT[xml.talenttitle.2241]" />

Code: Select all

2193	Expert Gunslinger
2241	The Gunslinger talent takes down enemies using Mana to transform Shyllien Mana Bullets into powerful weapons.\nThe Gunslinger talent exhibits devastating power by using two Magic weapons that are made of Hillwen Ores.

Code: Select all

		<Title ID="10224" Type="3" Exclusive="0" DefaultName="_LT[xml.title.6242]" MaleName="_LT[xml.title.6252]" FemaleName="_LT[xml.title.6262]" UniName="_LT[xml.title.6272]" Desc="_LT[xml.title.6282]" Hint="_LT[xml.title.6292]" Effect=": : SetParamonEquip(AttMax, +12);&#xA;: : SetParamOnEquip(Crit, +3);" EffectDescription="_LT[xml.title.6312]" BonusStript="" ExtraEffect="" ExpDungeonDisable="false" EnableSupportRace="0" ExtraData="" OptionUsage="0" OptionAllow="" Duration="0" OptionTitleImage="" ImagePosX="" ImagePosY="" ImageLevel="" __feature="" />

Code: Select all

6242	Rock Paper Scissors Master
6292	A title given to masters who have played 300 matches of Rock Paper Scissors.
6312	Max Damage +12\nCritical +3%
An interesting snip from ItemUpgradeDB.English.txt

Code: Select all

4790	Magic Upgrade 1
4791	Magic Upgrade 2
4792	Magic Upgrade 3
4793	Magic Upgrade 4
4794	Weiss's Armor Enhancement

4818	Imbues the armor with magic to increase its Magic Defense.
4819	Imbues the armor with magic to increase its Magic Defense.
4820	Imbues the armor with magic to increase its Magic Defense.
4821	Imbues the armor with magic to increase its Magic Defense.
4822	Upgrade that maximizes DEF and Magic DEF.

Re: r153 to 155 (G18) diff report (partial)

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 3:21 am
by Kapra
Good work, thank you for spending your time.

Re: r153 to 155 (G18) diff report (partial)

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 3:45 pm
by Sen
Moukoken, thank you for the hint in the right direction. It's my first time actually looking inside of the .pack files and making diffs of the xmls, so knowing that I could cross check the id's with those in the english txt files is incredibly helpful (although I'm an idiot for not realizing I could do that in the first place >.<). It's astonishing how much information is stored inside of these files that most people don't know about until Nexon mentions it xD. Psy, thank you for the kind gesture, it gives me a bit of inspiration!

Re: r153 to 155 (G18) diff report (partial)

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 9:09 am
by chaolin
You are awesome! This is awesome! Thank you for posting this!

Re: r153 to 155 (G18) diff report (partial)

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 7:33 pm
by Ryozu
A little off-topic but, the last time I posted something like this, I was basically told to bugger off. Funny that.

Anyways, Sen, are you using Winmerge? If not, I highly suggest it.

Re: r153 to 155 (G18) diff report (partial)

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 8:26 pm
by ferghus
Ryozu wrote:A little off-topic but, the last time I posted something like this, I was basically told to bugger off. Funny that.
We didn't comment on this thread because we're still trying to decide if we need a new policy for this kind of stuff.

Dumping raw data from the client is a grey area and is best avoided. In addition, there is little value in this post (and in the old post you were referring to). I imagine that if someone made a diff/dump for every patch NA got, this forum would get flooded with mostly redundant info. Please don't take this personally (Sen and Ryozu)--I actually like seeing people learning how to do cool, technical things, but unfortunately I don't believe that this is the way to express it.

As a quick guideline for now, I'll say that I'd prefer if you didn't post diffs/dumps just for the sake of posting diffs/dumps. :P You can do that on your own if you wish, and make a post about just the short list of interesting things that you've found. We don't need to see the XML dumps. You may reference the file if you have to, but that's about it.

Re: r153 to 155 (G18) diff report (partial)

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 11:50 pm
by Sen
Yoorah wrote:
Ryozu wrote:A little off-topic but, the last time I posted something like this, I was basically told to bugger off. Funny that.
We didn't comment on this thread because we're still trying to decide if we need a new policy for this kind of stuff.

Dumping raw data from the client is a grey area and is best avoided. In addition, there is little value in this post (and in the old post you were referring to). I imagine that if someone made a diff/dump for every patch NA got, this forum would get flooded with mostly redundant info. Please don't take this personally (Sen and Ryozu)--I actually like seeing people learning how to do cool, technical things, but unfortunately I don't believe that this is the way to express it.

As a quick guideline for now, I'll say that I'd prefer if you didn't post diffs/dumps just for the sake of posting diffs/dumps. :P You can do that on your own if you wish, and make a post about just the short list of interesting things that you've found. We don't need to see the XML dumps. You may reference the file if you have to, but that's about it.
No offense taken I assure you ^_^ I just feel that there is a need for this kind of information to be known. The majority of NA players, have no idea what nexon is doing every patch and get very frustrated over it, however if they were to view and see the really interesting things that were changed, perhaps the community would be more friendly (but this is another topic that must be saved for another time). However in my defense, I believe there should be such a site posting what's been added or changed, for example Fiel and Southperry does a very good job of implementing this on his forum: ... 0Unleashed
Sorry to link to another site, but perhaps this will shed some light on what I was planning to do. I was indeed rushing the original post, however perhaps in future data collection, I could make it more organized or maybe we could have a section dedicated to extraction. There are a ton of people excited when hearing that there is new content in the files that nexon has said nothing about and as a community we do what we can to please the users of the forums c:. Listing diffs I agree is not the best way to go, but perhaps a different format will be made for future releases of information. I don't mean to go against your wishes, I'm just throwing some ideas out there in hopes that perhaps you see that this is a good idea. Let me know what you think!

Also as a side note this is far from anything "new" that I've learned, this is a very old technique that I do in my spare time. I do it for the people of the forums not for myself ^^
Ryozu wrote:A little off-topic but, the last time I posted something like this, I was basically told to bugger off. Funny that.

Anyways, Sen, are you using Winmerge? If not, I highly suggest it.
I was indeed using WinMerge which is quite a nice program, but for so many files to be compared, it'd be much easier for me to develop a program that makes diff of only the things that have been added or modified. Doing it as a console program to compare directories and creating .diff files on the spot would be so much easier in my opinion so I can sift through the data rather quickly c:

Re: r153 to 155 (G18) diff report (partial)

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 11:42 pm
by ferghus
Sen wrote:
Yoorah wrote:
Ryozu wrote:A little off-topic but, the last time I posted something like this, I was basically told to bugger off. Funny that.
We didn't comment on this thread because we're still trying to decide if we need a new policy for this kind of stuff.

Dumping raw data from the client is a grey area and is best avoided. In addition, there is little value in this post (and in the old post you were referring to). I imagine that if someone made a diff/dump for every patch NA got, this forum would get flooded with mostly redundant info. Please don't take this personally (Sen and Ryozu)--I actually like seeing people learning how to do cool, technical things, but unfortunately I don't believe that this is the way to express it.

As a quick guideline for now, I'll say that I'd prefer if you didn't post diffs/dumps just for the sake of posting diffs/dumps. :P You can do that on your own if you wish, and make a post about just the short list of interesting things that you've found. We don't need to see the XML dumps. You may reference the file if you have to, but that's about it.
No offense taken I assure you ^_^ I just feel that there is a need for this kind of information to be known. The majority of NA players, have no idea what nexon is doing every patch and get very frustrated over it, however if they were to view and see the really interesting things that were changed, perhaps the community would be more friendly (but this is another topic that must be saved for another time). However in my defense, I believe there should be such a site posting what's been added or changed, for example Fiel and Southperry does a very good job of implementing this on his forum: ... 0Unleashed
Sorry to link to another site, but perhaps this will shed some light on what I was planning to do. I was indeed rushing the original post, however perhaps in future data collection, I could make it more organized or maybe we could have a section dedicated to extraction. There are a ton of people excited when hearing that there is new content in the files that nexon has said nothing about and as a community we do what we can to please the users of the forums c:. Listing diffs I agree is not the best way to go, but perhaps a different format will be made for future releases of information. I don't mean to go against your wishes, I'm just throwing some ideas out there in hopes that perhaps you see that this is a good idea. Let me know what you think!
I'm quite familiar with what Fiel has done with Southperry. There's a Yoorah on there with a user number of 23. :) Fiel's done some excellent work, however you must admit that even then, a lot of the info posted in the that thread isn't too useful. Things like updated skill values are definitely useful, but dumping random boring changes isn't of much value, other than the fact that it's pretty cool from a technical standpoint. It should also be mentioned that most of the information he posts isn't raw data.

I agree that there's community interest in this kind of thing. This thread has actually been the top most visited thread on the forum in the past 1 week. Despite that, I can't agree to a section dedicated to extraction at this time--especially if you're talking about dumping raw data. Posting properly processed, digested information would be a different matter. If you ever get your program to that level and wish to post things here, I'd consider having a section for that stuff.

I just hope I'm not discouraging you here. I do respect people who try to contribute. :3