[Preview] G7 Update Info

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[Preview] G7 Update Info

Post by Soluna »

Below is a listing of the updates for Generation 7: Ancient Secret of the Irinid based from info from the TW server Updates.

New Map Area: Courcle.
Mini Game: Rafting Combat.
Skill: Magic Shield (Fire Magic Shield, Ice Magic Shield, Lightning Magic Shield).
Skill: Animal Taming.
Skill: Elf/Giant Transformation Uncapped Up to Rank 1.
Skill: Production Mastery Uncapped Up to Rank 1.
Exploration: Artifact Recovery/Repair.
Pets: Flying Pets (Thunderbird, Pelican, Eagle).
System: Advance Play Item System Change, Metal Dyes Added.
System: Skill Mastery Balance Update (Increase Attack Balance from Mastery Skills).
System: Arrow Revolver Skill Re-Balance, increase stamina cost and reduced damage ratio (a.k.a AR nerf).
System: Range/Magic Damage Balance Update (a.k.a Bow-Mill nerf/New Int damage formula).
System: Account restriction of 20 human, 20 elf, 20 giant, 20 pets change to no restriction but the upper limit is still 80 (i.e. 30 human, 50 pets, 0 elf, 0 giant).
Other: New Titles.
Other: New Clothings.

RP Mission: Broken Pieces of Ancient Marks.
Field Boss: Giant Crocodile.
Skill: Assault.
Part-Time Job: Sion's Special Mining Pass.
Other: Bridge connect to Courcle from Human Mark/Spider Mark Added.
Other: Taiwan Weapon Designed Contest Winner Items Added (Leminia's Star And Moon Sword, Ditis's Wand of Evil, Ruyuefeixue's Amethyst Butterfly, Shaoranen's Bow of Chivalry).
Other: New Clothings.
Pets: Deers (Sika Deer, Horn Deer).
*Names of the weapon and pets might be different*

Skill: Metallurgy.
Spirit Weapon: Increased Spirit Weapon Growth.
RP Mission: Mysterious Ruin (Ruway).
Field Boss: Giant Lion.
Weapons: New Weapon Upgrades (Short Bow, Long Bow, Composite Bow, Guardian Bow, Dragon Blade, Bastard Sword, Morning Star, Flute Short Sword, Broad Axe).
Fishing: Oversea Treasure Chests Added.

System: Advanced Placement Skill for Dan Added.
RP Mission: Atrata's Story Dungeon
System: Dark Knight Transformation Balance, Control of Chaos Update.
Action: Paper Plane
System: Party Heal can now heal pets and controlled enemies.
System: Added Weather Effects at Courcle.
Other: Hitting instruments, Drums, Cymbals added.
Other: New Story Books at Aeria.
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Re: [Data][G7 Update Info]

Post by ferghus »

Yay, new INT damage formula!
What are the details for Dark Knight Transformation Balance?

Re: [Data][G7 Update Info]

Post by Soluna »

Yoorah wrote:Yay, new INT damage formula!
What are the details for Dark Knight Transformation Balance?
Basically Enhanced the Transformation Increase of Stamina for Dark Knight so they wont get like 0 Stamina gain on a real bad day. Some of the things we already have though, but those are like minor things like the account restriction limit thing. The Dark Knight Balance might already be in too I am not sure, but this is just for reference.

Re: [Data][G7 Update Info]

Post by Dusky »

Hurray I get balance from my mastery now =n=b

Re: [Data][G7 Update Info]

Post by Beepuke »

Onoes AR and WM nerfs. :( But everything else sounds pretty awesome.

Re: [Data][G7 Update Info]

Post by Armelle »

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