[Guide] Ranking up Potion Lore

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[Guide] Ranking up Potion Lore

Post by Sky »

Wear Knuckles
Spam Counter to drain Stamina

Get ready to pop in like 300k+ (I used about that much for Stamina 10. more expensive for Stamina 30)
Stock inventory with Stamina potion (10 or 30, up to you)
Go to Hot Springs to recover from your pot poison

have fun grinding...

use Healer coupon to get pots so you don't have to fly back and forth
Stamina 10 is a lot cheaper and you have to spam skill to drain Stamina less but more inventory hog (or if you decide to stack them it'll be more tedious).

Re: [Guide] Ranking up Potion Lore

Post by Kenero »

Did you know you can use puppet potion to train the skill too?
Last edited by Kenero on Fri Apr 26, 2013 12:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: [Guide] Ranking up Potion Lore

Post by Tropacat »

Spent like 850k on Stamina 30's for rank1 Potion lore, cause I didn't have any of the affecting talents.

So much rapid clicking.

The crritical potions are very nice to have thought, just wish they had a higher activation rate.

Re: [Guide] Ranking up Potion Lore

Post by Lunaris »

A free (in terms of gold) but much more time consuming alternative to rank is to keep doing the SM for enduring performance.

The bandits have a very high (I think it is 100%) drop rate of hp10 and are extremely weak, as long as you do not use dischord to defeat them, you can keep repeating the mission for 10 hp10 each run. For losing hp, it may be easier to use DKD (if applicable) or spam touching the sword at Avon.

Cost in gold - 0 (unless you cannot run the SM with barehand and need repair fee)
Cost in time - Much much longer when accounting the time taken to get the pots

To those who have too much time on their hands but not much gold, enjoy (you can use an alt to farm the pots if you have already cleared the quest for the SM)

Re: [Guide] Ranking up Potion Lore

Post by Sky »

Lunaris wrote:A free (in terms of gold) but much more time consuming alternative to rank is to keep doing the SM for enduring performance.

The bandits have a very high (I think it is 100%) drop rate of hp10 and are extremely weak, as long as you do not use dischord to defeat them, you can keep repeating the mission for 10 hp10 each run. For losing hp, it may be easier to use DKD (if applicable) or spam touching the sword at Avon.

Cost in gold - 0 (unless you cannot run the SM with barehand and need repair fee)
Cost in time - Much much longer when accounting the time taken to get the pots

To those who have too much time on their hands but not much gold, enjoy (you can use an alt to farm the pots if you have already cleared the quest for the SM)
It's an alternative, however I still would like to argue that it would be a lot better to just earn money through commerce or something and earn money to buy for pots. At higher ranks it was a lot of hell... (very tedious)... And that comes from me who just used healer coupons to buy my pots and a huge inventory to buy sp 10's...

Re: [Guide] Ranking up Potion Lore

Post by Phaedroth »

Should also note that Price sells Stamina 10's in packs of 5, saves time if you're buying in bulk.

Also for DKs out there, HP potions during Disarm, if that wasn't already obvious.

Re: [Guide] Ranking up Potion Lore

Post by Zeo »

You also can use Enthralling Performance. They burn your Stamina really quick, especially if you're r1.
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